How to enable OS X menu cmd + ctrl + spacebar in Sublime Text 2?

In most OS X applications, even in a terminal that is otherwise lacking in functionality, cmd + ctrl + space brings up a symbols menu where you can enter a name and look for special characters (like the Greek alphabet). This doesn't happen in Sublime Text 2; I just hear the sound of a bell. I tried the trick described by Unmap ctrl + space in Sublime Text 3 to map a key to an empty command, but it did nothing. Anyone have an idea how to enable the menu?


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1 answer

The default shortcut for this in ST2 is of course, alt+super+t

but I assume you want to remap this, right?

If so I looked at this pretty hard, unfortunately I couldn't find much to help. This is not the default command, and even if you look inside Packages/Default/Main.sublime-menu

, right where the line "Special characters ..." should appear, it is noticeably missing. When registering all commands in the console with, sublime.log_commands(True)

nothing is displayed when I open the special characters window this way.



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