Unmap ctrl + space in Sublime Text 3

On OS X, I have ctrl + space displayed system-wide in "Help ... Search". However, in Sublime Text 3, by default, ctrl + space is automatically terminated. In Sublime Text 2 I was able to edit the default default layout and just delete it, but it looks like you can no longer edit the default standard layout.

Is there a way in Sublime Text 3 "undefine" keymap to have Sublime only allow the operating system shortcut?


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2 answers

Go to /Applications

, left click on Sublime Text.app

and select "Show Package Contents". Open Contents/MacOS/Packages/Default.sublime-package

in TextWrangler (it's free d / l if you don't have one) - it supports editing ZIP files. You can now edit Default (OSX).sublime-keymap

and save the entire package. Reboot ST3 and you should be good!



  • Select the menu. Sublime Text> Preferences> Key Bindings - Default
  • The standard (OSX) .sublime-keymap (read-only) opens.
  • Save as new file has the same name for ~ / Library / Application Support / Sublime Text 3 / Packages / Default (does not exist. Create new folder).
  • Close (2)
  • Repeat (1).
  • You can change the default layout :)



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