How to adjust the height of a table view programmatically in viewdidload

How can I automatically adjust the height of the table in the viewdidload? in fact, I have a view in my application. I want this view to be loaded, then uivew will hide the table height, will it increase? How can I do that? I added these lines to viewdidload but nothing happens?

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
 CGRect tableFrame = [tableListView frame];
tableFrame.size.height = 127; 
[tableListView setFrame:tableFrame];


Below is my screenshot I want to hide this greycolourview and want to increase my table height. enter image description here

screen shot


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1 answer

Take a picture:


This should be your restrictions on tableView


enter image description here


//declare a constraint outlet and connect it
IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *constraintGrayViewBottom;



This is the lower limit of the gray species ie The: constraintGrayViewBottom

Select the bottom constraint as shown in the picture and on the right, drag the link to connect to the viewController and connect it to constraintGrayViewBottom


enter image description here


Process constraint changes as an example:

-(void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    constraintGrayViewBottom.constant = -60;

    [UIView animateWithDuration:1
                         [self.view layoutIfNeeded];




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