Stationary static array of rust

I am trying to initialize a struct like this:

struct BytePattern {
    pattern: &'static [u8],
    mask: &'static [u8]


Is it possible to initialize this line like:

return BytePattern {
    pattern: &'static [0x00u8, 0x00u8, 0x01u8, 0x00u8],
    mask:  &'static  [0xFFu8, 0xFFu8, 0xFFu8, 0xFFu8]


Edit: the above syntax returns `error: expected :, found '['

Edit: Reddit has provided the following hack to do this (yes, I'll jerk and ask in multiple places for this language)

return BytePattern {
    pattern: { static P: &'static [u8] = &[0x00u8, 0x00u8, 0x01u8, 0x00u8]; P },
    mask:    { static M: &'static [u8] = &[0xFFu8, 0xFFu8, 0xFFu8, 0xFFu8]; M },


Which is ... terrible, but it works. I will use it if I cannot find something else


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1 answer

You can use byte string literals to create &'static [u8]


BytePattern {
    pattern: b"\x00\x00\x01\x00",
    mask:  b"\xff\xff\xff\xff",


This is of course not a generic solution for any static slices, but takes care of the case u8




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