Prototype doesn't work as expected

Im using the following code to learn JS prototype and how to work with objects (after reading about it on the net Im new for JS ...) I want to create a root object that can use a different class and extend not sure if if i do it right ... currently i have an error in sound (can't set the property "sound" to undefined), any idea what i am doing wrong or maybe there is a better way to write this (for me it is third project ... :))

var obj = function(name){  = name;

obj.prototype.getName = function(){

var person = new obj("Bill");


var animal = new obj();

animal.prototype.sound = function(sound){

var dog = new animal();




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3 answers

new obj();

returns an object not like a function, so when you call

var animal = new obj();


The variable animal

will be filled with an object that is NOT a function. This statement

var dog = new animal();


returns undefined

because animal is not a function (constructor function). Note that the operator is new

used for functions only for non-literal objects

For more information on this topic please see this question

Simple JavaScript inheritance pattern

First define the base class (there is no concept of class in JS, but I use it for more convenience)

function Obj(name){ = name;
Obj.prototype.setName = function(name){ = name;


Next, you can define a class animal

that extends the class obj


function Animal(name, legs){ 
    // This is its own property
    this.legs = legs;
    // This is accessible via prototype chain

// link this class to the obj class
Animal.prototype = new Obj();


The rendered diagram for this template will look like this:

  | legs       |           Obj
  | __proto__  | -----> +-----------+  
  +------------+        | name      |         prototype object for Obj
                        | __proto__ | -------> +--------------------+  
                        +-----------+          | setName function   |  


UPDATE # 1 To declare another class Person

, for example, you can do this:

function Person(name, addr, phoneNo){ = name;  // This is inherited from the Obj class
    this.addr = addr;  // Its own property
    this.phoneNo = phoneNo; // Its own propert
    this.legs = 2; // This is from Animal 

Person.prototype = new Animal();




This is because the sound is undefined - the property does not exist.

An easy way to create an object with sound property is simply (using jquery):

var animal = { walk: function(){ return 'animal is walking'; }, legs: 4  }

var dog = $.extend({ sound: '' }, animal); 

dog.sound = 'woof';


The reason your example is not working is because you instantiated obj that has no sound property. Therefore, you need a mechanism to extend the object you created. So in my example, I'll show you a quick and easy way to do it.



Are you trying to do inheritance

You must do

var animal = function () {}
animal.prototype = new obj();



Another way you can find out what you can use:

obj.prototype.__defineGetter__("name", function () { return this.n; /* where n is the name */ });


and use it this way

var a = new obj("foo");




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