Atom Feed Consumption: How Does It Work?

Sorry if the title is too general, but I have been browsing the web for one hour and I could not find any architectural explanation. I am completely new to both RSS and Atom protocols as far as I have understood so far:

  • Server publishes documents
  • Clients subscribe to this server
  • Clients are notified when the server publishes new documents
  • Clients consume documents

It seems to be a queuing mechanism (like JMS). It's not clear to me:

  • "Clients notified" is another way of saying "Clients should poll the server to see if there are new messages"?
  • How does the client know that the message has already been read and is no longer "new"? Does this check respond to client or server?

Can anyone contact me with the documentation? I've searched for a while for a search, but every search takes me to sites that explain how to use libraries for parsing, etc.



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2 answers

I think they answer your questions:

How does the customer know that the message has already been read and that it is no longer "new"?

I think this is implementation specific, but, for example, you can store the prompts of each selected <item>

and then mark them read as the user reads the items.



I think Janih's answer is below and you should check all these links. For more information, please contact us:

Clients notified "is another way of saying," Should clients poll the server to see if there are new messages?

Yes and no. Yes, poll is the default and yes, it is cumbersome. Protocols like PubSubHubbub will help. RSS Feed API services like Superfeedr (which I built!) Will do this on your behalf and send you notifications via webhooks (so you don't have to poll at all!)



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