ColdFusion - String Remove characters after specific place

The length of the string is always formatted as follows - but varies in length.

Add: BLLAHHH Blahhh Blahhhhh Blahhh Det: HSD03 Evt: F2014999999 NOTICE. This message is intended ONLY for the use of the person or organization named above and may contain information that is confidential or legally privileged. Blahhh blahhh blahhh

I am trying to get only data ending at the end of the number

Add: BLLAHHH Blahhh Blahhhhh Blahhh Det: HSD03 Evt: F2014999999

I've tried many string functions with great luck.

The code below allows me to:

Add: BLLAHHH Blahhh Blahhhhh Blahhh Det: HSD03 Evt: F2014999999 NOTICE

     <cfset string = "#textbody#">
     <cfset firstPiece = listGetAt(string, 1, "-")>
     [ [ <cfoutput>#firstPiece#</cfoutput> ] ]



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3 answers

function trimToLastEndWithDigit(str) {
    var noticePos = find(" NOTICE -", str);
    return left(str, noticePos);

str = "Add: BLLAHHH Blahhh Blahhhhh Blahhh Det: HSD03 Evt: F2014999999 NOTICE - This communication is intended ONLY for the use of the person or entity named above and may contain information that is confidential or legally privileged. Blahhh Blahhh Blahhh";


I've tried using regex to meet your needs before, but what you need is much simpler, so please ignore the function name.



You can use Regex like this
Your line:

<cfset testString = "Add: BLLAHHH Blahhh Blahhhhh Blahhh Det: HSD03 Evt: F2014999999 NOTICE - This communication is intended ONLY for the use of the person or entity named above and may contain information that is confidential or legally privileged. Blahhh Blahhh Blahhh"/>



<cfset testSt = ReReplace(testString,"NOTICE.*","")>



Add: BLLAHHH Blahhh Blahhhhh Blahhh Det: HSD03 Evt: F2014999999




Got this I guess ...


Add: BLLAHHH Blahhh Blahhhhh Blahhh Det: HSD03 Evt: F2014999999 NOTICE. This message is intended ONLY for the use of the person or organization named above and may contain information that is confidential or legally privileged. Blahhh blahhh blahhh

    <cfset fp = "#textbody#" />

    <cfoutput>#REReplace(fp, "NOTICE(.*)", "NOTICE")#</cfoutput>
    <cfset newstr = "#REReplace(fp, "NOTICE(.*)", "NOTICE")#">

    <cfset final = left(newstr, len(newstr) -7)>





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