Unable to preview video using QML MediaPlayer

I am trying to create a simple video player that simply plays the specified video in a loop. As long as the video plays as expected, it doesn't loop.

Below is the code I am using:

import QtQuick 2.0

import QtMultimedia 5.0

    width : 320
    height : 240

    signal buttonPressed(string msg)

    property string currentVideo

    function playVideo(videoName)
        currentVideo = videoName
        videoPlayer.source = videoName

    function loopVideo()
        if(videoPlayer.duration === 0)

    function stopVideoPlayback()

    MediaPlayer {
        id: videoPlayer
        source: ""
        autoPlay: false
        autoLoad: false
        loops: 100

    VideoOutput {
        id: videoOutput
        source: videoPlayer
        anchors.fill: parent
        visible: true


I am calling playVideo

from C ++. He starts playing as expected. However, once it finishes, the frame freezes on the last one. I tried to loop it by calling the loopVideo function in QTimer. This doesn't work either.

What could I be doing wrong?


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2 answers

Your code is fine. (small tip: you can use MediaPlayer.Infinite

instead 100

for for loop)

I believe your situation is the same as mine.

I played around with the component a bit MediaPlayer

and in the end I can't search for videos because seekable

always false

. And seekable

it matters false

because somehow QML is using my file as a live stream and this causes the property to duration

be 0

. Also note that onPaused

and onStopped

never start, but position

just increases after the video ends (live stream never ends).

Now I think it has to do with the loop, because basically the loop goes back to 0. Since it is not duration

( MediaPlayer

thinks it is a direct stream), it cannot search (and the loop).

One nasty workaround I found is this (add to your code):

Rectangle {
    id: root

    MediaPlayer {
        onPositionChanged: {
            if (position > VIDEO_LENGTH) {



is the length of your video file in milliseconds.

Click here for documentation of MediaPlayer controls

UPDATE: Looks like this is a bug in Qt for mingw version (closed bug report).

UPDATE 2: I downloaded the MSVC version of Qt and the media player works as expected.

So this is a bug in Qt for mingw .

Use this workaround (which I would not recommend) or download the MSVC version .

I created a new bug report here.



Using stopped signal try this code:

 MediaPlayer {
     id: mediaplayer
     source: "groovy_video.mp4"
     onStopped: play()




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