Why is this rejected RSVP promise not calling catch ()?

In my Ember RSVP code, I cannot get any error handlers, although I can see that my "reject" function succeeds. Code:

var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

    doStuff().then(function() {


    }, function() {

        reject('This has been rejected!');



var allPromises = [promise]; // Real code has more than one; just one for demonstration.

    function() {
        console.log('I am called!');
    function() { console.log('I am never called!');})
.catch(function(err) {

    console.log('I am never called, either.');



However, I do see "rejected!" message in the console. What have I done here? Should the () fire go on since reject () was working correctly?

DEBUG: Ember: 1.9.0-beta.1

DEBUG: Ember Data: 1.0.0-beta.12

DEBUG: jQuery: 1.9.1

Docs: https://github.com/tildeio/rsvp.js

They say, "Sometimes you might want to work with many promises at once. If you pass an array from promises to the all () method, it will return a new promise that will be fulfilled when all the promises in the array are fulfilled; or rejected immediately, if any." or the promise in the array is rejected. '


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1 answer

You will catch the error in your handler onReject

. If you want yours to catch

run, you either have to supply a handler onReject

or throw an error in your rejection handler:

var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

var allPromises = [promise];

// Alt 1 - Dont supply a onRejected handler
    .then(function() {
        console.log('I am called!');
    }).catch(function(err) {
        console.log('I am never called, either.');

// Alt 2 - Throw error in onRejected handler
    .then(function() {
        console.log('I am called!');
    }, function () {
        console.log('I am never called!');
        throw new Error("boom");
    }).catch(function(err) {
        console.log('I am never called, either.');


Alt 1 will print:
I am never called.

Alt 2 will print:
I never called! They never call me.



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