Python nesting in C - Distribution

I have included python in a C application on Windows. To distribute, I put the whole python folder next to my exe:

\Installation Dir


As a test, I've simplified application C very much. It installs the interpreter and tries to start


Here is all the content of the C source:

#include <Python.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){



    PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv);
    PyObject* PyFileObject = PyFile_FromString("", "r");
    PyRun_SimpleFileEx(PyFile_AsFile(PyFileObject), "", 1);



It seems to work well ... sometimes. On some machines, I get errors ImportError: DLL load failed

usually referring to _socket


I have explicitly set the folder path Lib

and DLLs

so I don't understand why I am getting this error?

It must be some kind of conflict with an existing version of Python, but have I successfully installed it to run on another PC with versions of python already installed?

Are there any other variables or registry settings I need to set to ensure that the built-in python can find what it needs?

Ideally, I would avoid setting registry values ​​as I want this installation to be "standalone" and not potentially stub out any other version of python the user might install.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

Searching for a keyword: "_socket" in my python folder, I found something interesting. In the "python / libs" folder there are "_socket.lib" and "_socket.pyd" in the "python / DLL" folder. I don't know any details about this particular library, but I think you can solve your problem simply by adding "python / libs" to the line you set PySys_SetPath . Or you can try to include more folders by specifying sys.path in your own "everything is OK" environment.

The reason for this conjecture is that I have heard that .pyd files basically play the same role as DLL files when you program in C / C ++. When you compile a dynamic link library, you generate .h, .dll, and .lib files at the same time. The .dll file contains the main code and the .lib contains what the dll is exported.



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