C / C ++ prevents macro scope inside a macro


#define PARENTHESIS1 (
#define PARENTHESIS2 )
#define macro_test_0(arg1, arg2) int arg1 arg2
#define macro_test_1(arg1, arg2) macro_test_0(arg1, arg2)

macro_test_0(PARENTHESIS1, PARENTHESIS2 ;) //->works fine
macro_test_1(PARENTHESIS1, PARENTHESIS2 ;) //doesn't work


For macro_test_1, I have an error message: "Macro arguments mismatch", "Too few arguments provided to functionally like calling method", "Using undeclared identifier" macro_test_0 ".

Thing is, for macro_test_0, the example gives:

int ( ) ;


which is good, but the example macro_test_1 gives (if I'm right):

macro_test_0((,) ;)


which is obviously not true. I would like the arg1 and arg2 macros to prevent expansion, in order to keep:



I am guessing it has to do with ordering macro distribution, but is there a way or trick to achieve this? I've tried several things like artificial (i.e. useless) argument concatenation to delay expansion during macro invocation, but no success.


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1 answer

I don't know which compiler or IDE you are using.

but for visual studio 2012: both lines generate the same code after preprocessing

int ( ) ; 
int ( ) ; 


for vs:

'src file' property -> C / C ++ / Preprocessor -> preprocess to file

option outputs code after preprocessing to file

GCC have similar compilation options.



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