Merge programmatically using TeamFoundationClient TFS2008 and VS2010

I have a VS Addin (possibly in the future VSIX) for VS 2010. I want to branch any separate files (sql files) and then merge it programmatically.

I've seen several options:

GetStatus status = workspace.Merge


How do I change TFS programmatic changes?

MergeContent(Conflict, true);


workspace.Merge can show modal dialog for merge (diffmerge.exe I think) and show results (resolving conflicts)? Note: in my case, now I want to show the merge tool.

TFS MergeContent API returns false without showing merge tool

There are tf commands (command line, not C ##

tf diff [erence] itemspec [/ version: versionspec]

tf merge [/ recursive] [/ force] [/ candidate] [/ discard] [/ version: versionspec] [/ lock: none | checkin | checkout] [/ preview] [/ unreasonable] [/ nosummary] [/ noimplicitbaseless] [/ conservative] [/ format: (short | long description)] [/ noprompt] [/ login: username, [password]] destination source

tf resolve [itemspec]

[/ auto: (AutoMerge | TakeTheirs | KeepYours |

OverwriteLocal | DeleteConflict

| KeepYoursRenameTheirs)]

[/ preview] [(/ overridetype: overridetype | / converttotype: converttype] [/ Recursive]

[/ new name: path] [/ noprompt]

[/ login: username, [password]]

any suggestions for merging files and options:

1) show dialog for merging (diffmerge)

2) auto, without show dialog for merging (diffmerge or other?) And conflict resolution.


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1 answer

Copy vsDiffMerge.exe from Visual Studio installation directory C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 \ Common7 \ IDE inside App Exe file

var mergetool = new ThirdPartyToolDefinition(".*",ToolOperations.Merge,"vsDiffMerge.exe","","/m %1 %2 %3 %4");
var toolcol= ThirdPartyToolDefinitionCollection.Instance.FindTool(".*",ToolOperations.Merge);
if (toolcol == null)

var controlsAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ControlAddItemsExclude));
var vcResolveCoinflictsDialogType = controlsAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Controls.DialogResolveConflicts");
var ci = vcResolveCoinflictsDialogType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null, new[] { typeof(Workspace), typeof(string[]), typeof(bool) }, null);
var resolveCoinflictsDialog = (Form)ci.Invoke(new object[] { workspace, null, true });





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