There is something wrong with my hash function

I am trying to implement a spatial hash and am using the hash function from Optimized Spatial Hashing to detect collisions of deformable objects , hash(x, y, z) = (x p1 xor y p2 xor z p3) mod n

where n is the number of buckets in the hash table.

My code for hash function:

int SpatialHash::hash(int x, int y, int z)
    return (((x * P1) ^ (y * P2) ^ (z * P3)) % TABLE_SIZE);


s defines:

#define P1 73856093
#define P2 19349663
#define P3 83492791
#define TABLE_SIZE 2000


I just tried to iterate over the list of elements and when I tried to put the top 1, -1, 0 in the table, it gave me an index of -196. Have I messed up my hash function somewhere?


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3 answers

Negative modulo a negative number. For example:

-7 % 3 = -1


Something like that:

int positiveModulo(int number, int modulo)
    int result = number % mudulo;
    if (result < 0)
        result += modulo;
    return result;


Or, to avoid branches:

int positiveModulo(int number, int modulo)
    int result = number % mudulo;
    result += modulo;
    result %= modulo;
    return result;


This will give you:

positiveModulo(-7, 3) = 2




This is actually a funny question, because the sign of the result of a modulo operation is what language and mathematicians are talking about.

In fact, in ISO C ++, the sign of a modulus operation with a negative operand is implementation-defined. Smart languages ​​have mod

, as well rem

, to catch both cases. Have a look at the wikipedia page and their table of programming languages.

It's funny how it split almost 50:50.

Now the solution to your problem: just add a positive modular operation. The simplest solution would be to use abs(...) % N

like (-a) mod N + a mod N = 0




#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define P1 73856093
#define P2 19349663
#define P3 83492791
#define TABLE_SIZE 2000
int positive_mod(int i, int n)
    /* constexpr */ int shift = 64*sizeof i - 1;
    int m = i%n;
    return m+ (m>>shift & n);
int hasha(int x, int y, int z)
    return positive_mod(((x * P1) ^ (y * P2) ^ (z * P3)) ,TABLE_SIZE);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int ret = hasha(1,-1,0);
    cout << ret << endl;




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