Remove second 'o' from 'helloworld' expression in python
Beginner in python:
for l in 'helloworld':
if l == 'w':
lnew = l
lnew = ''.join(lnew).replace('o', '').split()
print "The letter is", lnew
I am trying to remove the letter 'o' after letter 'w' from 'helloworld' . I understand that the continue statement returns the control to the beginning of the while loop. But how can I make sure it skips the 'o' after the 'w' when it passes.
I could do l == 'wo' , but that might interfere with the learning goal.
Instead, I tried to create a new list in which it would replace the letter 'o' with '' (space) and then split the list, but replace as 'o' as I get this:
The letter is ['h']
The letter is ['e']
The letter is ['l']
The letter is ['l']
The letter is []
The letter is []
The letter is ['r']
The letter is ['l']
The letter is ['d']
What should I do to remove only the 'o' after the 'w' after the continue statement skips the 'w'. (The answer should look like this)
The letter is h
The letter is e
The letter is l
The letter is l
The letter is o
The letter is r
The letter is l
The letter is d
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I hope I understand what you mean. I changed the code a bit:
string = 'helloworld'
new_string = ''
is_second_o = False
for char in string:
if char == 'o':
if not is_second_o:
new_string += char
is_second_o = True
new_string += char
print new_string
So what I did was loop over the string and check if the current char is 'o', if yes - I use a boolean flag to check if it is the first one.
If the current char is not "o" then just add it to new_string
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Another approach:
w_found = False
for l in 'helloworld':
if l == 'w':
w_found = True
if w_found and l == 'o': # skip this o as it comes after w
print "The letter is", l
The letter is h
The letter is e
The letter is l
The letter is l
The letter is o
The letter is w
The letter is r
The letter is l
The letter is d
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You can use string.rindex to find the best fit. There are other options, take a look here : If we can't find the 'o' ValueError and we just pass make str2 the same as str1
str1 = 'helloworld'
str2 = str1
idx = str1.rindex('o')
str2=str1[:idx] + str1[idx+1:]
except ValueError:
print "\n".join(str2)
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