How to get JDBC connection in Hibernate 4.3 Integrator?

When implemented org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator

for hibernate 4.3, you get an object Configuration

, SessionFactoryImplementor

and SessionFactoryServiceRegistry


One way to get the metadata is to get the connection provider: sessionFactory.getJdbcServices().getConnectionProvider()

But getConnectionProvider()

outdated and doesn't work for setting up multiple tenants.

Javadocs say

Accessing connections through org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.JdbcConnectionAccess

should be preferred when accessing through ConnectionProvider

whenever possible.

But my problem is that I haven't found a way to get JdbcConnectionAccess

. It would be possible to use this SessionFactoryServiceRegistry

and replicate the code from SessionFactoryImpl#buildLocalConnectionAccess()

, but this is not a good solution.

What is the recommended way to get a compound in Integrator



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3 answers

I had a similar problem with the deprecated method "sessionFactory.getJdbcServices (). GetConnectionProvider ()". I used this function to get the dataSource for my FlywayIntegrator. I used them as in this example:

Without getConnectionProvider (), I haven't found a solution to get the required properties to connect to my database.

As a workaround, I put these properties in the standalone.xml file of my jboss config like this:

    <property name="com.mycomp.myapp.servername" value="localhost"/>
    <property name="com.mycomp.myapp.databasename" value="xxx"/>
    <property name="com.mycomp.myapp.databaseuser" value="yyy"/>
    <property name="com.mycomp.myapp.databasepassword" value="zzz"/>


In my flyway integrator, I can now read these properties:

private DataSource getDataSourceFromSystemProperty() {
    String servername = System.getProperty("com.mycomp.myapp.servername");
    if (servername == null || servername.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warning("No system property found in standalone.xml file for com.mycomp.myapp.servername");
        servername = "localhost";
    String databaseName = System.getProperty("com.mycomp.myapp.databasename");
    if (databaseName == null || databaseName.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warning("No system property found in standalone.xml file for com.mycomp.myapp.databasename");
        databaseName = "xxx";
    String databaseUser = System.getProperty("com.mycomp.myapp.databaseuser");
    if (databaseUser == null || databaseUser.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warning("No system property found in standalone.xml file for com.mycomp.myapp.databaseuser");
        databaseUser = "yyy";
    String databasePassword = System.getProperty("com.mycomp.myapp.databasepassword");
    if (databasePassword == null || databasePassword.isEmpty()) {
        logger.warning("No system property found in standalone.xml file for com.mycomp.myapp.databasepassword");
        databasePassword = "zzz";

    final PGSimpleDataSource dataSource = new PGSimpleDataSource();
    return dataSource;


Maybe it helps ...



You can do the following from your Integrator implementation:

SessionImplementor sessionImplementor = (SessionImplementor) sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
Connection conn = sessionImplementor.getJdbcConnectionAccess().obtainConnection();


SessionFactory is a SessionFactoryImplementor that you get from implemented methods.



Getting a connection in the Integrator.integrate () method in Hibernate 5 can be done with:

final DataSource ds = (DataSource) sessionFactory.getProperties().get("hibernate.connection.datasource");
final Connection conn = ds.getConnection();




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