
Object resolution when parsing xml file in nodejs

My XML file has

<!DOCTYPE application [<!ENTITY % common  SYSTEM "../common.ent">


and I used &commonFaults;

, (which is one of the entities defined in the file ./common.ent

) many of which are in the XML file

in my node app I want to inject the string content of the xml file. and in return I want all objects to be resolved.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!DOCTYPE application [<!ENTITY % common  SYSTEM "../common.ent">
    <application xmlns="http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02">
            <include href="../xsd/api.xsd"/>
            <include href="../xsd/api-common.xsd"/>
        <method name="GET" id="listVersionsv2">


common.ent file:

 <!ENTITY commonFaults
        <response status="503" xmlns="http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02">
            <representation mediaType="application/xml" element="csapi:serviceUnavailable"/>
            <representation mediaType="application/json"/>
        <response status="400" xmlns="http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02">
            <representation mediaType="application/xml" element="csapi:badRequest"/>
            <representation mediaType="application/json"/>


Desired output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!DOCTYPE application [<!ENTITY % common  SYSTEM "../common.ent">
    <application xmlns="http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02">
            <include href="../xsd/api.xsd"/>
            <include href="../xsd/api-common.xsd"/>
        <method name="GET" id="listVersionsv2">
        <response status="503" xmlns="http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02">
            <representation mediaType="application/xml" element="csapi:serviceUnavailable"/>
            <representation mediaType="application/json"/>
        <response status="400" xmlns="http://wadl.dev.java.net/2009/02">
            <representation mediaType="application/xml" element="csapi:badRequest"/>
            <representation mediaType="application/json"/>


I am looking xmllint

with an option --noent

that does this efficiently.

I am looking for a similar lib / tool that does this as an npm module that I can "require" in a node application and does the same task as xmllint


I dont want to use ChildProcess node.


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