Xcode iOS Swift: Auto Generate Protocol Function Overrides

Is there a way for Xcode to automatically generate protocol functions for you to make your class conform to your protocol? For example:

My protocol:

protocol ProtocolDownloadFile {
    func fileReturned(file: NSDictionary, metaData: String)
    func connectionError(connectionError: ConnectionError)


If I implement this class:

class NetworkController: NSObject {



and specify the protocol:

class NetworkController: NSObject, ProtocolDownloadFile {



I want my class to automatically inject functions for me like:

class NetworkController: NSObject, ProtocolDownloadFile {
    //I want these to be automatically generated 
    func fileReturned(file: NSDictionary, metaData: String) {
    func connectionError(connectionError: ConnectionError) {        


Can Xcode do this for me? I can see that if I have a Protocol with many functions, it will take some time to write them all. Its the same functionality as Eclipse, implementing an interface in Java.


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