Heroku deployment timeout due to precompiled assets

Problem: My Rails app won't deploy to Heroku ( Timed out compiling Ruby app (15 minutes)

) due to resource pre-compilation.

I am using gems (asset_sync, sprockets-image_compressor, image_optim) which cause slow pre-compilation. I also sync my assets to store them on S3. I didn't have this problem before adding sprockets-image_compressor and image_optim gems

I could precompile resources locally, but I would have to deal with my multiple environments (I have a staging application and a production application and I store my assets in different buckets on S3 in relation to the environment) and I don't want to do that. And it still needs to be handled when deploying to Heroku.

I also opened a ticket to Heroku asking for more wait times, but I doubt they will.

Any idea, suggestions?


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1 answer

I have this same problem and also using the image_optim gem. Basically, the image pre-compilation process takes too long. So I modified the Gemfile. Changed:

gem 'image_optim'



gem 'image_optim', :group => [:development]


Now I can pre-link on Heroku: D. Oh, this solution works really well for me as I compress all the images manually using image_optim -r *

the folder where the images are located. And then push all image optimizations to my repository. Hooray!



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