Auto select new added value with ng options and AngularJS

I have a select list that looks like this:

  ng-options=" group by location.type for location in locationlist | orderBy:['type']" 

    <option value="">From</option>


The last item in the ng-options list is called "Add Location" and runs the following function via ng-change:

$scope.addMissingLocation = function (locationList) {
    if ( == "Add location") {


Modal shows, and this allows the user to add a new location using the following function:

$scope.addLocationOtherExtra = function () {
    $scope.locationlist.push({ place: $scope.formLocationOther, type: "-Secondary Locations", main:false});
    $scope.formLocationOther = '';


What I'm trying to accomplish is that after the user enters a new location and the modal closes, the selected value in the select is the new added value .

I'm not even sure if this is possible.

Any advice?


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1 answer

After adding a new option, you must tell ngModel to add the option. Try this to select the last option (new):

$scope.addLocationOtherExtra = function () {

    $scope.locationlist.push({ place: $scope.formLocationOther, type: "-Secondary Locations", main:false});
    $scope.locationList = $scope.locationlist[$scope.locationlist.length - 1];

    $scope.formLocationOther = '';




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