WebApi OData v4 ComlexType cannot have EntityType

We used WebApi OData v 3 and had a pair of ComplexType

entities defined in the entity data model containing the EntitySet


When we go to OData v 4 and when modelBulder.GetEdmModel()

we step, we get an InvalidOperationException. The complex type "Foo" refers to the entity "Bar" through the "Bar" property.

I look at the spec and see a thing called "abstract entity type" which is a type that contains entity types. I don't see this in the WebApi OData code, so I hope all I have to do is declare EntityType

that doesn't have a key and I get it.

No cubes. Creating my Foo

type a EntityType

(execute modelBuilder.AddEntityType(typeof(Foo))

instead modelBuilder.AddComplexType(typeof(Foo))

) gives InvalidOperationException "Entity" Foo "does not have a specific key."

Is there a clean way to use entity-data to use ComplexType

or EntityType


One clean but painful solution would be to make even more classes, which are essentially my objects, that have been renamed and added to the model like ComplexType

so that I can return data as a complex type (I would include casting operators from object types to the corresponding complex types so that they can be used interchangeably in client code). Obviously, I don't want to go through this pain for something that worked great before moving to OData v4.

Much easier, but not in a clean way (and I did it and it works) involves inserting an unused key into each now EntityType

, which used to be ComplexType

like this:

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the not used "key" property
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// OData v4 seems to have broken the ability of a complex type to hold 
/// an entity type. In the spec, there is the notion of an abstract 
/// entity type - an entity type that does not have a key. But, it 
/// appears v4 doesn't support abstract entity types. Hence, this "key".
/// </remarks>
public int NotUsed { get; set; }



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1 answer

It is part of the V4 protocol that ODataLib for OData V4 has not yet implemented (thus, the Web API for OData V4 does not support defining such a model as it is based on ODataLib and other core libraries). Please open a Github issue at https://github.com/odata/odata.net/issues to ask for it and help track it.



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