Python-social-auth partial pipeline parameters form data per session

I am using python-social-auth to login and create a user profile. Unlike the example here , which creates a profile at the end of the pipeline, my application should not allow the creation of a user without a profile. I followed the Django example provided in the github source, so I have a partial pipeline that requires a profile and renders a Django form after successful authentication.




The partial pipeline redirects to a view that displays the login and profile form. Here is the code in the view that validates the form and ends the pipeline.

if profile_form.is_valid():
       request.session['form_data'] = profile_form.cleaned_data
       return redirect('social:complete', backend=backend)


The form contains a combination of CharFields and ModelMultipleChoiceField / ModelChoiceField, and when I try to set the form data in the session, I got a type error because the dict is not serializable:

Type Error: <Model: object> is not JSON serializable.


When I read about it and tried "django.contrib.sessions.serializers.PickleSerializer" it worked fine. But I don't want to use it after reading about this performance and security issues.

I'm new to Python-social-auth and this might not be the best approach for doing this. I wonder if there is a way to pass the form data into the pipeline without writing a custom serializer to save the user and profile.

Thanks for any help.


The way I dealt with this is redirecting the form form to the pipeline (partially) and not to the view. In the pipeline, I used request_data when POST request and form submit and set the profile form data in dict file. Probably not the best solution, but it worked for me.


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