Java Swing - detecting document changes

At school, I am trying to recreate a Microsoft Notepad program using Java Swing. I am working on saving and opening .txt files, and I am trying to figure out a way for the program to detect changes made to a document. If a change is detected and the user chooses to open or create a new file, I want the program to ask the user if they want to save their changes before proceeding.

My thought for doing this was to create a flag called documentChanged

, which would initially be false, and which would be set to true when changes were made to JTextArea

. To detect this change, I thought of using it TextListener

like this:

public class JNotepad implements ActionListener
    boolean documentChanged;
    JTextArea notepad;

        documentChanged = false;

        notepad = new JTextArea();
        notepad.addTextListener(new TextListener() {
            public void textValueChanged(TextEvent te) {
                documentChanged = true;


However, I found out that Java classes cannot implement multiple interfaces at once, and I already use ActionListener

to implement items in your notepad's menu bar.

My question is, is there a way to use both TextListener

and ActionListener

(or any other listener) simultaneously in the same class? If not, what would be my best course of action for document change detection?


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2 answers

How do you even compile this

notepad = new JTextArea();
notepad.addTextListener(new TextListener() {
   // ....


as TextListeners are not defined to work with JTextAreas, but rather TextAreas, a completely different beast.

You have to add a DocumentListener to your JTextArea Document.

notepad.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() {
    void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
        documentChanged = true;

    void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
        documentChanged = true;

    void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
        documentChanged = true;




My question is, is there a way to use both TextListeners and ActionListeners (or any other listener) at the same time in the same class?

Using a DocumentListener has nothing to do with ActionListeners used elsewhere in your program, since their domains are orthogonal to each other, i.e. one has absolutely nothing to do with the other.



This was the answer in another post. See Changed text in JTextArea? How?

And also see How to write a document listener ( DocumentListener

) in Oracle, you will see an example applet.



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