Ambiguity error with higher order lists and family types

I have a higher order GADT list defined like this:

data HList as where
    HNil :: HList '[]
    HCons :: a -> HList as -> HList (a ': as)


I can write a function that returns me the first item from this list if it is not empty:

first :: HList (a ': as) -> HList '[a]
first (HCons a _) = HCons a HNil


However, if I create a new type Cat

and type family that simply applies each type in the type list to Cat

(like a level map):

newtype Cat a = Cat a

type family MapCat (as :: [*]) :: [*] where
    MapCat '[] = '[]
    MapCat (a ': as) = Cat a ': MapCat as


And a type CatList

that converts a list of types to HList

full of these types applied to Cat


type CatList cs = HList (MapCat cs)


I cannot write a similar function that works for CatList


first' :: CatList (a ': as) -> CatList '[a]
first' (HCons a _) = HCons a HNil



Couldn't match type ‘MapCat as0’ with ‘MapCat as
NB: ‘MapCat’ is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable ‘as0’ is ambiguous
Expected type: CatList (a : as) -> CatList '[a]
  Actual type: CatList (a : as0) -> CatList '[a]
In the ambiguity check for:
  forall a (as :: [*]). CatList (a : as) -> CatList '[a]
To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
In the type signature:
  Testing.fst :: CatList (a : as) -> CatList '[a]


What will go wrong? Here's the gist of all the code .


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1 answer

Let's start with a simpler example:

type family F a

err :: F a -> ()
err _ = ()



Couldn't match type ‘F a0’ with ‘F a’ NB:
F is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable a0 is ambiguous
Expected type: F a -> ()
  Actual type: F a0 -> () …


So far this compiles fine:

ok :: (a ~ Int) => F a -> ()
ok _ = ()


And this:

type family F a where
    F a = a

ok :: F a -> ()
ok _ = ()


Here's another example that is closer to your problem:

data D = C

data Id (d :: D) where
    Id :: Id d

type family TF_Id (d :: D) :: D where
    TF_Id C = C

err :: Id (TF_Id d) -> ()
err _ = ()



Couldn't match type ‘TF_Id d0’ with ‘TF_Id d’ NB:
TF_Id is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable d0 is ambiguous
Expected type: Id (TF_Id d) -> ()
  Actual type: Id (TF_Id d0) -> () …


But this works:

ok :: Id (TF_Id C) -> ()
ok _ = ()


and this:

type family TF_Id (d :: D) :: D where
    TF_Id x = x

ok :: Id (TF_Id d) -> ()
ok _ = ()


since it TF_Id a

immediately decreases to a

in both cases.

Thus, the compiler throws an error every time it cannot reduce SomeTypeFamily a

, where a

is some type variable that was not previously defined.

So, if we want to fix this:

type family TF_Id (d :: D) :: D where
    TF_Id C = C

err :: Id (TF_Id d) -> ()
err _ = ()


without overriding the type family, we need to define d

in the type signature err

. The easiest way -

type family TF_Id (d :: D) :: D where
    TF_Id C = C

ok :: Id d -> Id (TF_Id d) -> ()
ok _ _ = ()


Or we can define a data type for this:

data Proxy (d :: D) = Proxy

ok :: Proxy d -> Id (TF_Id d) -> ()
ok _ _ = ()


Now back to the function first'


data Proxy (a :: [*]) = Proxy

first' :: Proxy (a ': as) -> CatList (a ': as) -> CatList '[a]
first' _ (HCons a _) = HCons a HNil


This compiles fine. You can use it like this:

main = print $ first' (Proxy :: Proxy '[Int, Bool]) (HCons (Cat 3) $ HCons (Cat True) HNil)


which prints Cat3:[]


But the only thing the compiler needs to know to shrink MapCat as

is the normal form of a weak head as

, so we really don't need to provide this additional type information in Proxy :: Proxy '[Int, Bool]

. Here's the best way:

data ListWHNF (as :: [*]) where
    LZ :: ListWHNF '[]
    LS :: ListWHNF as -> ListWHNF (a ': as)

first' :: ListWHNF (a ': as) -> CatList (a ': as) -> CatList '[a]
first' _ (HCons a _) = HCons a HNil

main = print $ first' (LS $ LS LZ) (HCons (Cat 3) $ HCons (Cat True) HNil)


So first'

now gets something similar to the length of the list. But can we do it statically? Not so fast:

data ListWHNF (as :: [*]) where
    LZ :: ListWHNF '[]
    LS :: ListWHNF as -> ListWHNF (a ': as)

data HList as ln where
    HNil  :: HList '[] LZ
    HCons :: a -> HList as ln -> HList (a ': as) (LS ln)


throws Data constructor LZ comes from an un-promotable type ListWHNF …

. We cannot use indexed data types like indexes in Haskell.

Having some functional dependencies that would allow us to associate a term of one type and a weak vowel normal form of a term of another, we could probably do the trick, but I don't know anything like that in GHC (but I'm not an expert). It's easy in Agda

_^_ : ∀ {α} -> Set α -> ℕ -> Set α
A ^ 0     = Lift ⊤
A ^ suc n = A × A ^ n


So, if this is the only thing we need to output the list, this is its length, then we can replace the list with n

nested tuples. Abuse of designations, [?, ?] :: [*]

becomes (? :: *, (? :: *, Lift ⊤))

, and now all these ?

can now be deduced automatically among the inhabitant

(equivalent to Agda ()

). But in Agda there is no distinction between value level and type programming, so there are no such problems at all.



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