How can I set tabIndex to keydown or keyup given the active tabIndex element?
$(document).on("keyup", function(e) {
var code = e.which;
var currentTabIndex = document.activeElement.tabIndex;
if (code == 40) {
//set tabIndex to currentIndex + 1;
} else if (code == 39) {
//set tabIndex to currentIndex + 1;
else if (code == 38) {
//set tabIndex to currentIndex - 1;
else if (code == 37) {
//set tabIndex to currentIndex - 1;
see FIDDLE for a demonstration.
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You can use .filter()
to select the item with the one you want tabIndex
and then use .focus()
like this:
$('*').filter(function() {
return this.tabIndex == currentTabIndex + 1;
Set focus to any element and then click the down arrow in the following demo:
And this is how you could prevent tabs if the target is accepting text input and Left Arrowor is pressed Right Arrow. Below is the complete code :
$(document).on("keyup", function(e) {
var code = e.which,
elm = document.activeElement, //capture the current element for later
currentTabIndex = elm.tabIndex,
nextTabIndex = code == 40 || code == 39 ? currentTabIndex + 1 :
code == 38 || code == 37 ? currentTabIndex - 1 : null, //calculate next tab index
isHoriz = code == 39 || code == 37; //Left or right arrow pressed
$('[tabindex]').filter(function() {
if( !$(elm).is(':text,textarea') || !isHoriz ) { //Exclude left/right arrow for text inputs
return this.tabIndex == nextTabIndex;
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I would say, just take an element with next or previous tabindex
and call .focus()
on it:
$("[tabindex='" + (currentTabIndex + 1) + "']").focus();
$("[tabindex='" + (currentTabIndex - 1) + "']").focus();
So you want to stop the function if ('key pressed' == 'left arrow' or 'right arrow') and 'input type' == 'text'? Then write an if statement doing this exact thing:
if ((code == 39 || code == 37) && $('type') == "text") return;
Place this on the second line of the function.
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