Display post per day daily until end of post using HTML and Javascript

I have the following code to display a message daily,

<!doctype html>


<script type="text/javascript">

var msg = new Array();
Stamp = new Date();
today = Stamp.getDate();

msg[1] = "msg 1";
msg[2] = "msg 2";
msg[3] = "msg 3";
msg[4] = "msg 4";
msg[5] = "msg 5";
msg[6] = "msg 6";
msg[7] = "msg 7";
msg[8] = "msg 8";
msg[9] = "msg 9";
msg[10] = "msg 10";
msg[11] = "msg 11";
msg[12] = "msg 12";
msg[13] = "msg 13";
msg[14] = "msg 14";
msg[15] = "msg 15";
msg[16] = "msg 16";
msg[17] = "msg 17";
msg[18] = "msg 18";
msg[19] = "msg 19";
msg[20] = "msg 20";
msg[21] = "msg 21";
msg[22] = "msg 22";
msg[23] = "msg 23";
msg[24] = "msg 24";
msg[25] = "msg 25";
msg[26] = "msg 26";
msg[27] = "msg 27";
msg[28] = "msg 28";
msg[29] = "msg 29";
msg[30] = "msg 30";
msg[31] = "msg 31";
msg[32] = "msg 32";
msg[33] = "msg 33";
msg[34] = "msg 34";
msg[6000] = "end msg";

function writeMessage() { 



<strong>Daily Message:</strong>  




It displays a message for all days and then starts on the first for the next month. I want to continue displaying the next message, for example msg 32 message should be displayed next month and so on until I get to the end of the message. Could you please help me on modifying my code logic to achieve what I want?


source to share

4 answers

If it doesn't matter where you start in your array, you can do something like this:

var daysSinceEpoch = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
var index = daysSinceEpoch % msg.length;



If you have a fixed start date, you can do:

var startDate = ... // initialize your startDate
var daysSinceStart = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
var index = daysSinceStart % msg.length;





I think you should have a START date. and then calculate the days between "START" and "today". then use the "days" you just counted as the array index to display your message.



Modified my answer as per suggestions, I believe this version works. Taken from the link here

Firewall (today); to call the day value from the popup to confirm it works:

enter image description here

<!doctype html>


<script type="text/javascript">

var msg = new Array();
var now = new Date();
var start = new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0, 0);
var diff = now - start;
var oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
var today = Math.floor(diff / oneDay);

msg[1] = "msg 1";
msg[2] = "msg 2";
msg[3] = "msg 3";
msg[4] = "msg 4";
msg[5] = "msg 5";
msg[6] = "msg 6";
msg[7] = "msg 7";
msg[8] = "msg 8";
msg[9] = "msg 9";
msg[10] = "msg 10";
msg[11] = "msg 11";
msg[12] = "msg 12";
msg[13] = "msg 13";
msg[14] = "msg 14";
msg[15] = "msg 15";
msg[16] = "msg 16";
msg[17] = "msg 17";
msg[18] = "msg 18";
msg[19] = "msg 19";
msg[20] = "msg 20";
msg[21] = "msg 21";
msg[22] = "msg 22";
msg[23] = "msg 23";
msg[24] = "msg 24";
msg[25] = "msg 25";
msg[26] = "msg 26";
msg[27] = "msg 27";
msg[28] = "msg 28";
msg[29] = "msg 29";
msg[30] = "msg 30";
msg[31] = "msg 31";
msg[32] = "msg 32";
msg[33] = "msg 33";
msg[34] = "msg 34";
msg[6000] = "end msg";

function writeMessage() { 



<strong>Daily Message:</strong>  






Have a 2d array for posts where the first index is the month and the second index is the day.

var msg = new Array(12);
msg[0] = new Array(31); // January
msg[1] = new Array(28); // February


msg[0][0] = "January 1st message";
msg[0][1] = "January 2nd message";
msg[0][30] = "January 31st message";
msg[1][0] = "February 1st message";

month = stamp.getMonth();
today = Stamp.getDate() - 1;

function writeMessage() { 




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