Is there a way to create a projection without explicitly listing document properties?

I have one collection for users, one for custom calendars (users: calendars have a 1: 1 relationship, but not all users own the calendar):

users: {"name":"John","role":admin [more fields]}
calendars: {"color":"blue",owner: "users/john"}


I have to return the document with

{"name":"John","role":admin,[all fields from the users collection],calendar:cal}


Is there a way to do this without listing properties from the custom document?

for cal in zcalendar
    for user in zuser filter user._id == cal.owner
return ...



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1 answer

You can use the MERGE function for example. eg:

FOR cal IN zcalendar
    FOR user IN zuser
        FILTER user._id == cal.owner
        LET calDoc = {
            'calendar': cal
        RETURN MERGE(user, calDoc)


What this structure returns:

    "_id": "...",
    "_rev": "...",
    "_key": "...",
    "name": "John",
    "role": "admin",
    "calendar": {
      "_id": "...",
      "_rev": "...",
      "_key": "...",
      "color": "blue",
      "owner": "..."




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