Confusion over Linux shared library implementation

I am doing an experiment about a shared library on Linux. After reading several articles, I think I know what happens when a shared library function is called.
But when I try to trace the memory to get binary in a shared library function I find something strange. In my opinion, after the call to the shared library function, the corresponding slot in .got.plt should contain the actual address of the function, but my experiment shows that it still remains the same, that is, the address of the second command in the func @plt section.I'm quite confused by this so what if anyone can help me?
Here is my code and output:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef unsigned long u_l;

int main()
    char *p_ch = strstr("abc", "b");
    printf("result = %s\n", p_ch);

    long long *p = (long long *) &strstr;

    printf("data = %llx\n", *(p));

    long long k = *p >> 16; 
    u_l *entry_addr = (u_l *)(k & 0x00000000ffffffff);

    printf("entry_addr = %lx\n", entry_addr);

    u_l *func_addr = (u_l *)*entry_addr;
    printf("func_addr = %lx\n", func_addr);
    printf("code = %llx\n", *func_addr);
    return 0;



result = bc  
data = 680804a00c25ff  
entry_addr = 804a00c  
func_addr = 8048326  
code = 68080400000068  


Thank you first! PS: Please don't ask me why I need to get the shared library function code. Of course I know the source code and the binary can be obtained easily. It's just an experiment.
My GCC version is 4.7.3. Kernel version - 3.8.0-35


source to share

2 answers

Not sure what the logic of your program is, but I will try to show you where the address changes.

$ gcc -Wall -g test.c
$ gdb a.out
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x40054c: file test.c, line 8.
(gdb) run
(gdb) disassemble
Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x0000000000400544 <+0>: push   %rbp
   0x0000000000400545 <+1>: mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x0000000000400548 <+4>: sub    $0x30,%rsp
=> 0x000000000040054c <+8>: movq   $0x4006fd,-0x28(%rbp)
   0x0000000000400554 <+16>:    mov    $0x400700,%eax
   0x0000000000400559 <+21>:    mov    -0x28(%rbp),%rdx
   0x000000000040055d <+25>:    mov    %rdx,%rsi
   0x0000000000400560 <+28>:    mov    %rax,%rdi
   0x0000000000400563 <+31>:    mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x0000000000400568 <+36>:    callq  0x400430 <printf@plt>
   0x000000000040056d <+41>:    movq   $0x400450,-0x20(%rbp)
   0x0000000000400575 <+49>:    mov    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
   0x0000000000400579 <+53>:    mov    (%rax),%rdx
   0x000000000040057c <+56>:    mov    $0x40070d,%eax
   0x0000000000400581 <+61>:    mov    %rdx,%rsi
   0x0000000000400584 <+64>:    mov    %rax,%rdi
   0x0000000000400587 <+67>:    mov    $0x0,%eax
   0x000000000040058c <+72>:    callq  0x400430 <printf@plt>
   0x0000000000400591 <+77>:    mov    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
   0x0000000000400595 <+81>:    mov    (%rax),%rax
   0x0000000000400598 <+84>:    sar    $0x10,%rax
   0x000000000040059c <+88>:    mov    %rax,-0x18(%rbp)


Make a breakpoint on the PLT table at position printf

(0x400430) and continue:

(gdb) break *0x400430
Breakpoint 2 at 0x400430
(gdb) continue 

Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000000400430 in printf@plt ()
(gdb) disassemble 
Dump of assembler code for function printf@plt:
=> 0x0000000000400430 <+0>: jmpq   *0x200bca(%rip)        # 0x601000 <printf@got.plt>
   0x0000000000400436 <+6>: pushq  $0x0
   0x000000000040043b <+11>:    jmpq   0x400420
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) x/x 0x601000
0x601000 <printf@got.plt>:  0x00400436


In the PLT table, you can see the indirect jump at the address stored in the GOT at 0x601000 (0x200bca + 0x400430 + 6), which, on the first call of the function, resolves the next address in the PLT ( 0x00400436 : pushq and jump to the dynamic linker). The dynamic linker finds the real one printf

, updates its GOT record and navigates to it.

The next time you call the same function printf

(and hit a breakpoint), the entry in GOT 0x601000 is already updated to 0xf7a6d840 , so it jumps directly to printf

and not to the dynamic linker.

(gdb) c
result = bc

Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000000400430 in printf@plt ()
(gdb) disassemble 
Dump of assembler code for function printf@plt:
=> 0x0000000000400430 <+0>: jmpq   *0x200bca(%rip)        # 0x601000 <printf@got.plt>
   0x0000000000400436 <+6>: pushq  $0x0
   0x000000000040043b <+11>:    jmpq   0x400420
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) x/x 0x601000
0x601000 <printf@got.plt>:  0xf7a6d840


This example is from 64 bit Linux. May differ on other * NIX builds or similar parts, but the idea remains the same.



One more thing, I couldn't find printf in my, ...

This program shows you the address and the containing library (using the Glibc extension) for each function given as an argument:

/* cc -ldl */
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  while (*++argv)
    void *handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_NOW);
    if (!handle) puts(dlerror()), exit(1);
    void *p = dlsym(handle, *argv);
    char *s = dlerror();
    if (s) puts(s), exit(1);
    printf("%s = %p\n", *argv, p);
    Dl_info info;
    if (dladdr(p, &info))
        printf("%s contains %s\n", info.dli_fname, info.dli_sname);




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