Java converting unix timestamp to wrong time

I have a unix timestammp stored in mysql. I will transform it in time. It displays the wrong time.

Here is the code:

Date date = new Date((long)timestamp*1000); 
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm a"); 
timeString = sdf.format(date);



is a variable that contains the unix timestamp.
Example: for timestamp=1417437428505

it should show 6:07 pm and show 12:31 am

What is this solution?


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3 answers

You are multiplying the timestamp, which is already in milliseconds since the Unix epoch, by 1000. You just want:

Date date = new Date(timestamp);


If you look at the entire date and not the time, you will see it currently at 46886!



Are you sure you need to multiply by 1000? I tried to pass without multiplication Date date = new Date(timestamp);

and it printed 6:07 pm



Remove multiply from 1000 to

Date date = new date ((long) timestamp * 1000);

how it works.



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