Yii 2: override user model

How to properly override user model in yii2?

For example, I want to override general \ models \ User.php

I created frontend \ models \ User.php with the following code:

  namespace frontend\models;

  use common\models\User as BaseUser;

  class User extends BaseUser

   public static function tableName()
    return '{{%accounts}}';


In main.php, when I add

        'class' => 'frontend\models\User',


I am getting error Setting unknown property: frontend \ models \ User :: identityClass


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2 answers

There are two things you can customize: 1)

'user' => [
    'identityClass' => 'common\models\User',


and 2

'user' => [
    'class' => 'frontend\components\User',


You switch them. "identityClass" is your model, "class" is the User component for Yii. By setting the identityClass, you are telling Yii that the User component should use the frontend \ models \ User it identityClass property.

This is the user component https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-framework/blob/master/web/User.php

In previous versions of Yii2, the frontend \ components \ User.php file was actually added (which yii \ web \ User extended). I can understand why this is confusing now.

What is the new error you are getting?



'user' => [
   'identityClass' => 'frontend\components\User',


in config + delete browser cookies (it seems yii2 error - with cookies present, renewAuthStatus () function loaded by common / models / User as identityClass and caused another error)



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