Create an XML Document Transformation for the Staging and Production web.config File

We are planning to use the XDT concept to automate web.config settings in Staging and Production. We already have web applications built for a long time with Visual Studio in C # .Net. All our applications already have web.config (under which we have web.debug.config and web.release.config)

I took web.config from the current staging and PROD environments. Now I create the web.PROD.config and web.Staging.config xdt (xml transform) files (based on the backups I took from the current Staging and PROD environment) and also make sure the web.config that already exists in the solution is also updated accordingly?

My current plan is to do it manually, but we're going to spend a lot of time. Is there a way to do this from Visual Studio or any other tool?


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1 answer This command line tool will compare two web.config files and generate an XDT transform from the difference. So you can start it with web.config development and web.config creation and get web.release.config file.

Disclaimer: I wrote this ...



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