Running mysql queries from django fabfile

How can I run SQL queries with my fab file below

def allow_webservers_for_db():

    for ip in env.web_servers:
        run('echo "GRANT ALL ON %s.* TO \'%s\'@\'%s\' IDENTIFIED BY \'%s\'; | mysql --user=%s --password=%s"' % (env.db_schema, env.db_web_user, ip, env.db_password, env.db_user, env.db_password), pty=True)
        run('echo "UPDATE db SET host=\'%s\' where db=\'%s\'; | mysql --user=%s --password=%s --database=mysql"' % (ip, env.db_schema, env.db_web_user, env.db_password), pty=True)
        run('echo "UPDATE user SET host=\'%s\' where user=\'%s\';| mysql --user=%s --password=%s  --database=mysql"' % (ip, env.db_web_user, env.db_user, env.db_password), pty=True)


The code runs without error, but does not do what it is supposed to do. If I copy and paste the code generated with echo

in the mysql terminal mysql>

, the query is correct.

What am I missing here? Do I need to run mysql queries at all? I also don't want to load it from a text file.


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1 answer

You are just echoing the entire line. But you want to pipe the first part into a pipe in mysql. Delete the last one "

and place it between ;

and |


Example for the first line:

run('echo "GRANT ALL ON %s.* TO \'%s\'@\'%s\' IDENTIFIED BY \'%s\';" | mysql --user=%s --password=%s' ....



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