Using aggregate with variable names for column names

I have the following dataframe:

a <- c(1,1,4)
b <- c(1,0,2)
c <- data.frame(a=a,b=b)
#  a  b
#1 1  1
#2 1  0
#3 4  2


I would like to aggregate a data frame c like this:

#  a   b
#1 1 0.5
#2 4 2.0


However my main problem is that I will be using a variable for the column name


d <- 'a'


If I try to compile this d variable that contains the column name, I obviously get the error:

#Error in model.frame.default(formula = b ~ d, data = c) : variable lengths differ (found for 'd')


This works, but then I get silly column names. I would like to avoid the extra step of renaming columns:

#  c[, d] c[, "b"]
#1    1      0.5
#2    4      2.0


How do I fill in and also get the correct column names on the first try? (There may be no way to do this)


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4 answers

You may try

aggregate(c['b'], c[d], FUN=mean)
#   a   b
# 1 1 0.5
# 2 4 2.0


Another option if you are using a method formula

would be usingsetNames

 setNames(aggregate(b~get(d), FUN=mean, data=c), colnames(c))
 #  a   b
 #1 1 0.5
 #2 4 2.0




If you are not tied to aggregate(...)

in R base, here is a data.table solution.

#    a   b
# 1: 1 0.5
# 2: 4 2.0




You can use cbind

to set names to aggregate

. This method also shows that you can leave an argument data

. Therefore, if we are using your original plan, you can do

aggregate(cbind(b = c[, "b"]) ~ cbind(a = c[, "a"]), FUN = mean)
#   a   b
# 1 1 0.5
# 2 4 2.0




The way I solved it was to plot the formula parameter in paste:

aggregate(formula(paste0("b ~ ", d)), data = c, FUN = mean)


This way, you can easily pass as many variables for colnames as complex formulas as desired.



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