Variable length match under node constraint

Let's say I have a graph where the nodes are either red or green. I am starting with a red node, and I would like to get all the other red nodes that are connected to my start node, only going through the Green nodes.

For example, if I have the following graph:

  /    \
(G1)   (G3)
 |      |
(G2)   (R3)
 |      |
(G5)   (G4)
 |      |
(R2)   (R4)


I would like to get the following set of results:

R1, R2
R1, R3


Any ideas on how to write this query?


EDIT: To create a graph:

CREATE (r1:Red{label: "R1"})-[:foo]->(g1:Green{label: "G1"})-[:foo]->(g2:Green{label: "G2"})-[:foo]->(g5:Green{label:"G5"})-[:foo]->(r2:Red{label: "R2"}),
    (r1)-[:foo]->(g3:Green{label: "G3"})-[:foo]->(r3:Red{label: "R3"})-[:foo]->(g4:Green{label: "G4"})-[:foo]->(r4:Red{label: "R4"});


I tried the following query but it returns node R4 to me, which is not what I want.

 MATCH (r1:Red{label:'R1'})-[:foo*]->(green:Green)-->(other_red) RETURN r1, green, other_red



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2 answers

Here's one solution:

MATCH p = (r1:Red {label:'R1'})-[:foo*]->(green:Green)-[:foo]->(other_red:Red) 
WITH r1, green, other_red, [n IN nodes(p) WHERE 'Red' in labels(n) | n] as redNodes
WHERE length(redNodes) = 2
RETURN r1, green, other_red


It ensures that only the first red node is taken, keeping the path containing only 2 red knot ( r1

and other_red




Data setup:

CREATE (r1 {label: "R1"})-[:foo]->(g1 {label: "G1"})-[:foo]->(g2 {label: "G2"})-[:foo]->(r2 {label: "R2"}),
       (r1)-[:foo]->(g3 {label: "G3"})-[:foo]->(r3 {label: "R3"})-[:foo]->(g4 {label: "G4"})-[:foo]->(r4 {label: "R4"});


Now, here's your request:

MATCH (r1 { label: "R1"})-[:foo*1..3]->(target)
WHERE target.label =~ "R.*"
RETURN r1.label, target.label;


This query uses a variable length path ( [:foo*1.3]

), which specifies that the path must be at least one step longer, no more than 3 steps. Then I filter based on the nodes with a label that starts with "R". This gives the correct result, otherwise G1, G2 and G3 will also be in the result set because they are within that number of transitions.



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