Images do not display on iPad AIR, but display on other iPads

My images do not appear on iPad AIR, but appear on other iPads. They do not appear in images or on buttons. Apart from my images, the Segmented Control image is also not displayed, although I can still use buttons and a segmented control where I know they exist in the UI. I found that the background image on my buttons does show, but the image on my buttons doesn't work. Maybe this will help - I think it started after I got a message about the required 64-bit support from 2/1/15 (during checkout), recommending that I change my default build setting to "Standard Architecture". After making this recommended change, images stopped showing.

In the build settings under Architecture: Before: $ (ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) After: Standard architectures (armv7, arm64)

When I changed it, the images started showing again.

Thank you for your help!


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2 answers

I found a bug related to 64-bit processing on iPad Air. I had a UIImageView + Category file to try and always show the vertical scrollbar. This file caused the problem, I deleted it to fix the error. Hope this helps someone else. Thanks to

@implementation UIImageView (ForScrollView)

- (void) setAlpha:(float)alpha {

    if (self.superview.tag == noDisableVerticalScrollTag) {
        if (alpha == 0 && self.autoresizingMask == UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin) {
            if (self.frame.size.width < 10 && self.frame.size.height > self.frame.size.width) {
                UIScrollView *sc = (UIScrollView*)self.superview;
                if (sc.frame.size.height < sc.contentSize.height) {

    if (self.superview.tag == noDisableHorizontalScrollTag) {
        if (alpha == 0 && self.autoresizingMask == UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin) {
            if (self.frame.size.height < 10 && self.frame.size.height < self.frame.size.width) {
                UIScrollView *sc = (UIScrollView*)self.superview;
                if (sc.frame.size.width < sc.contentSize.width) {

    [super setAlpha:alpha];




We had the same problem. I was disappointed after doing some research as it seemed really strange. And it was. For me, restarting my Mac did the trick ... Yes, not the answer you would like, but it did the trick. Cleaning up, deleting original data, restarting Xcode, etc. Until then, no effect.



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