Is it not possible to constrain the base label of a shortcut to match the bottom edge of another view?

I have a custom meter view. And a label that shows the numerical value drawn by the meter. Using AutoLayout constraints, I want to align the baseline

labels with the bottom


When I ctrldrag in between and select the alignment of the bottom parts and then try to use Size Inspector

to adjust it, it won't give me a baseline option for the label (just Top

, bottom

and Center Y


Isn't there a way to constrain the base label of the label to match the bottom edge of another view in the storyboard editor?

Can I do this in straightforward code? What would this example look like?


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1 answer

I figured the storyboard editor just didn't want to do this directly. You can do it programmatically with something like this:

NSLayoutConstraint *constraint = [NSLayoutConstraint
    constraintWithItem: self.myView
    attribute: NSLayoutAttributeBottom
    relatedBy: NSLayoutRelationEqual
    toItem: self.myLabel
    attribute: NSLayoutAttributeBaseline
    multiplier: 1
    constant: 0];
[self.myView.superview addConstraint: constraint];


To make the storyboard happy, I used a bottom-down constraint and checked the parameter Placeholder remove at build time


It is not true that the property secondAttribute


is read-only. Otherwise, you could just create an output to the storyboard constraint and just set it to viewDidLoad




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