Postgresql does not trim overlay lines

According to the documentation, strings longer than specified with a character or VARCHAR should be truncated:

If one explicitly specifies a value for a character changing (n) or character (n), then the excess length value will be truncated to n characters without raising the error. (This is also required by the SQL standard.)

but I cannot get it to work. Now the documentation says to "explicitly" distinguish the meaning for a character, so maybe I'm missing that. Below is a simple test table:

create table test1(
tval character varying(20));


where the following is in error: ERROR: value too long for a character like (20)

insert into test1 values 
('this is a super long string that we want to see if it is really truncated');


How can I get this to work?


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1 answer

This will not truncate because this is just an assignment:

create table test1(tval character varying(20));

insert into test1 values ('this is a super long string that we want to see if it is really truncated');


but it will because it is an explicit expression:

insert into test1 values (CAST('this is a super long string that we want to see if it is really truncated' AS varchar(20)));


To get the truncation behavior, you have to use an explicit cast, and honestly, I would like the SQL standard not to specify this.

The best way to deal with this is to clearly state what you want:

insert into test1 values (left('this is a super long string that we want to see if it is really truncated', 20));




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