Node Dynamic Links Acl

I am trying to use the npm Acl module to implement an ACL system. The home page is here: .

There are many simple examples in the documentation for granting access to roles. In particular, there is some good code here:

            {resources:'blogs', permissions:'get'},
            {resources:['forums','news'], permissions:['get','put','delete']}
            {resources:'cash', permissions:['sell','exchange']},
            {resources:['account','deposit'], permissions:['put','delete']}


Unfortunately, there are no examples of a more complex url in the docs like '/ blogs /: id / today'. Can acls be set for these types of dynamic urls?

And I also need to point out that only some users can get their own information. This means that "users /: id" should only work if the user ID is the same as the user ID. Is it possible?


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1 answer

Their docs really cover this, if I don't miss something. Taken from the README:

Middleware takes 3 optional arguments which are useful in some situations. For example, sometimes we cannot treat the entire URL as a resource:

app.put('/blogs/:id/comments/:commentId', acl.middleware(3), function(req, res, next){…}


In this case, the resource will be just the first three url components (no forward slash).

It is also possible to add custom user id or check other permissions than method:

app.put('/blogs/:id/comments/:commentId', acl.middleware(3, 'joed', 'post'), function(req, res, next){…}




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