Create BaseDAO for each Dao class

I created a spring app where I decided to add BaseDAO to eliminate redundant create, update, delete, findByid and findAll for each dao. So I created a baseDao and every dao should extend this BaseDAO.


public class BaseDAOImpl implements BaseDAO{

    SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sf){
        this.sessionFactory = sf;

    public void create(ModelBase modelBase) {

         Session session = this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    public void update(ModelBase modelBase) {

        Session session = this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

    public Collection findAll(Class aClass) {

        Session session = this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
        Collection  modelCols = session.createQuery("from "+aClass.getSimpleName()).list();
        return modelCols;

    public ModelBase findById(Class aClass, Integer id) {
        Session session = this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();     
        ModelBase modelBase = (ModelBase) session.load(aClass, new Integer(id));
        return modelBase;



Then I expand this Dao to every DAO


public class EmployeeDAOImpl extends BaseDAOImpl implements EmployeeDAO{

    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sf){
        this.sessionFactory = sf;


I created a BaseService like this. But when I try to access BaseDAO methods from EmployeeDAO, it returns null pointer exception. Why is this happening. I dont want to use genericDAO from google. Because we have to create a DAO for each model. I want to fix this. Therefore, I follow this method.


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4 answers

You are overriding setSessionFactory

from the base class for no reason, its already available with class extension EmployeeDAOImpl

, either remove it or try below:

public class EmployeeDAOImpl extends BaseDAOImpl implements EmployeeDAO{

   //this reference should be from base class,
   // the extending class ref is hiding base ref.
  //  private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sf){




Do you have a Spring Data project and Spring Data JPA in particular?

This will save you a lot of time as you no longer need to write your DAOs / Repositories from scratch, all you have to do is enable Spring Data JPA and add the required interfaces. This should save you tons of time.



Something like the following should work (note the use of the constructor, not the installation setup). In BaseDAO:

public class BaseDAOImpl implements BaseDAO {

  private final SessionFactory sessionFactory;

  public BaseDAOImpl(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
    this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;


Then in the Employee DAO:

public class EmployeeDAOImpl extends BaseDAOImpl implements EmployeeDAO {

  public EmployeeDAOImpl (SessionFactory sessionFactory) {




You can create a generic dao.

public class GenericDaoImpl<T,PK extends Serializable> implements GenericDao<T, PK> {

    protected Class<T> entityClass;

    public T create(T t) {
       return t;

    public T read(PK id,Class<T> c) {
       return (T)this.entityManager.find(c, id);

    public T update(T t) {
       return this.entityManager.merge(t);

    public void delete(T t) {
        t = this.entityManager.merge(t);

    public List<T> getAll(Class<T> c){
        return this.entityManager.createQuery("SELECT o FROM "+ c.getName() +" o").getResultList();



You can use the following: TimeRange - pojo class in the following example. If you don't need a level of service. You can use timeRangeDao in your controller.

public class TimeRangeServiceImpl implements TimeRangeService{
    GenericDao<TimeRange,Long> timeRangeDao;

    public List<TimeRange> getAllTimeRanges(){
            return timeRangeDao.getAll(TimeRange.class);

    public void createTimeRange(TimeRange c) {

    public void update(TimeRange p) {

    public TimeRange getTimeRange(long id) {
            return, TimeRange.class);

    public void delete(long id) {
            TimeRange timeRange = new TimeRange();





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