Creating methods at runtime in emberJS

I am trying to create multiple methods at runtime in ember and the code I am trying to do

App.TestController = Ember.ArrayController.extend App.AnotherMixin,

  unsubmitted: Em.computed.filterBy("model", "unsubmitted", true)
  submitted: Em.computed.filterBy("model", "submitted", true)
  canceled: Em.computed.filterBy("model", "canceled", true)
# Rather than using above methods I'm trying to generate them with meta-programming.

  that: @
  defineAttributes: (->
    ].forEach ( f ) ->
      Em.defineProperty that , f, Em.computed.filterBy("model", f, true)


But its not generative methods. So is there something I can't see?


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1 answer

You are defining that

as a property on your controller, but trying to use it as a local variable in your method defineAttributes

. Change that

to a local variable in the method and it should work fine. Or better yet, just use Coffeescript's fat arrow function to maintain the current value this


defineAttributes: (->
    ['unsubmitted', 'submitted', 'cancelled'].forEach (f) =>
        Em.defineProperty this, f, Em.computed.filterBy('model', f, true)




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