503 Quota Every Morning

Every morning between 8 and 9 am, my site shows this error:

Error Over Quota
This application is temporarily over its serving quota. Please try again later.


although billing is enabled and the site has been running for many months. The old billing status page has an option for Maximum Daily Budget

(set to handle peak traffic and buffering from spikes in traffic) which is set to $ 0.00, but even if I change it, say $ 10.00, it still shows a 503 error, so it seems , it has nothing to do with it.

The new billing page looks like this:

New Billing Page

This happens every morning between 7 am and 8 am PST, so it will be around midnight PST, which at least indicates what might still be billing related?

Here, how the external monitoring system shows failures, i.e. a few blackouts every morning and then no problem for the rest of the day.


The Google Developer Console overview page Errors by status code

also shows error 503 in green.

Errors by status code

If I look at the monitoring log, most of the 503 errors are between 7 and 9 AM for the following pages:

  • /
  • /wp-cron.php

And then there are about 500 errors, for example. at 8 a.m

08:07:08.092 ... [26/Nov/2014:23:07:08 -0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 0 - "Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(http://www.pingdom.com/)" "www.coworking-radolfzell.de" ms=921 cpu_ms=1042 loading_request=1 exit_code=108 instance=00c61b117c9ad93b9da1f63314065ff8f4188095 app_engine_release=1.9.16

08:07:08.092 This request caused a new process to be started for your application, and thus caused your application code to be loaded for the first time. This request may thus take longer and use more CPU than a typical request for your application.

08:07:08.092 Process terminated due to exceeding quotas.


The (new) page quota details

says Quotas are reset every 24 hours. Next reset: 1 hours

, and now it's 8:30 AM CT. All listed resources are evaluated Okay


If I go to the old quota details

p page , I see that my requests Frontend Instance Hours

have reached 100% and are grading Limited


Frontend Instance Hours

So, I went back to the new console pod I Compute / App Engine / Settings

showed Your budget today is $10.00. Effective tomorrow, you will be using only free quota.

, which I have now increased to a daily budget of $ 5.

Application Settings

Now my site is still showing error 503, but hopefully this will be a solution. I could tell in 24 hours, right?

If anyone on Google App Engine reads this, there might be some inconsistencies between the old and new panels that should probably be fixed.


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1 answer

My problem was solved by increasing the daily budget from 0 to 5, although it took several hours to take effect. We didn't have any notifications from the monitoring system, so now everything is in order.



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