Parameter binding and the IN operator

I'm pretty convinced this isn't possible, but just in case:

How do you bind the correct (list) parameter for the operator IN


SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz IN ('cow', 'chicken');


This, unfortunately, doesn't work:

list = ['cow', 'chicken']
db.execute('SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz IN ?', list) 


Parameter binding is not only prettier than direct value interpolation, but also safer: one of the main reasons for using it is to stop the infamous Bobby Tables . However, are you stuck with manual escaping for the IN parameter?

list = ['cow', 'chicken']
sqllist = { |el| "'#{SQLite3::Database.quote(el)}'" }.join(',')
db.execute('SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz IN (#{sqllist})')


(Examples are Ruby with sqlite3 gem, but the question really applies to all languages ​​/ libraries that bind parameter bindings to you.)


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1 answer

The SQL you pass to db.execute

is just a string, and the number of placeholders should only match the number of values ​​you pass to them. So you can create placeholders based on list.length

and omit them using string interpolation:

placeholders =, '?').join(',')
db.execute("SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz IN (#{placeholders})", list)


It is perfectly safe because you know exactly what is going on in placeholders




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