AddEventListener click is executed before click

I want to pass parameters to click functions.

var albums = document.getElementsByClassName("album");
for(var i = 0; i<albums.length; i++){
    document.getElementById(albums[i].id).addEventListener("click", goAlbum(albums[i].id), false);


however the "goAlbum" function gets excecuted when it is created and then the function will no longer be canceled. what am I doing wrong?


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1 answer


was executed because you called the function. You didn't "create" the function. What you intend to do is provide addEventListener

logic to execute when something is clicked; this logic "calls goAlbum

". To do this, end the function call with an anonymous function.

function toArray(list) {

var albums = toArray(document.getElementsByClassName("album"));
albums.forEach(function (album) {
    document.getElementById("click", function () {
    }, false);


Also, since it is impractical to create functions in a loopfor

, I refactored your code for use forEach

. I need to convert the NodeList

returned document.getElementsByClassName

to in Array

order to use forEach

hence the function toArray




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