Jackson - serializing a list containing null elements

I am using Jackson 2.4 to serialize objects to JSON.
When I serialize a list of objects with some elements equal to zero, the result string JSON

contains some "null" strings.

How to prevent serialization of elements "null"

? Is there any configuration for ObjectMapper

? I have already installed "setSerializationInclusion(Include.NON_NULL)"


Here is my code:

List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
strings.add("string 1");
strings.add("string 2");


After serialization, I got this:

[string 1, string 2, null, null]


How do I get a JSON string without "null"?

[string 1, string 2]



source to share

4 answers

Using @JsonInclude annotation.

class Foo {
  String bar;




Also you can create your own serializer.
For example:

public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonProcessingException {

        List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
        strings.add("string 1");
        strings.add("string 2");

        ObjectMapper mapper=new ObjectMapper();
        mapper.getSerializerProvider().setNullValueSerializer(new NullSerializer());



class NullSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object>
  public void serialize(Object obj, JsonGenerator jsonGen, SerializerProvider unused) 
      throws IOException, JsonProcessingException


Will be printed

["string 1","string 2","",""]


then you can remove jsonGen.writeFieldName (""); for print

["string 1","string 2"]




try using below



also see for a more detailed explanation.



You can prevent this by:

@JsonSerialize(include=JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL) private String checkNullThenSerialize;

put it in a member ad.

or you can supply the class as well:

class CheckNullThenSerialize{
  private String fieldData;
  private String fieldNull;


You can also try Include.NON_EMPTY

from @JsonInclude

change to Include.NON_NULL


For ObjectMapper

( Any null field in any class serialized through this handler will be ignored ):

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();


Take a look here for details on this topic.



The suggestion to implement a custom NullSerializer is a great idea, in my case I don't want all null values ​​to be ignored (like external collections), so with a little tweak you can work with both.

class NullSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object>{
    public void serialize(Object obj, JsonGenerator jsonGen, SerializerProvider unused) 
  throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        //any null outside of a collection will be serialized (as long as SerilizationInclusion allows nulls)
        if (!jsonGen.getOutputContext().inArray()) {


Using this custom NullSerializer, serializing the following class:

class MyTest {
    public List<String> list = Arrays.asList("hello", null, "world", null);
    public Object goodNull = null;


Produces JSON:

{ "list":["hello","world"], "goodNull":null}




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