Google protocol buffers, how to handle multiple message types?

Is it possible to get the message type with a serial protocol buffer?

I have this example

option java_outer_classname="ProtoUser";

message User {
    required int32  id = 1; 
    required string name = 2;
    required string firstname = 3;
    required string lastname = 4;
    required string ssn= 5; 

message Address {
    required int32 id = 1;
    required string country = 2 [default = "US"];; 
    optional string state = 3;
    optional string city = 4;
    optional string street = 5;
    optional string zip = 6;


In Java, I have this code

Address addr = ProtoUser.Address.newBuilder().setCity("Weston").setCountry("USA").setId(1).setState("FL").setStreet("123 Lakeshore").setZip("90210")

    User user = ProtoUser.User.newBuilder().setId(1).setFirstname("Luis").setLastname("Atencio").setName("luisat").setSsn("555-555-5555").build();

    FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream("out1.ser");
    FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream("out1.ser");


Now, can I tell if the file contains an address or a user? What is the general way to handle multiple types of messages? How do I determine what type of message I received?

java protocol-buffers

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2 answers

We cannot determine if the file contains an address or a user. Since there is no type information in the data.

To handle multiple types of messages, you can use metadata, for example:

  • File name extension
  • HTTP headers
  • Specific frame header in the basic frame stream protocol
  • ...

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Either you:

  • Include information whether it is an address or a name at the end of the file (if the files only contain one type at a time)
  • Explicitly specify the package type in serialized form, i.e. add a field required int32 type

    and deduce the type from that field. (if both types are included in one file at a time)
  • Create a custom external message format that explicitly includes this information and wraps the protocol buffer.

Whichever suits you best, if you multiplex them onto the same channel - which you do by selecting the same end of the file - you'll have to demultiplex them again when you get them.


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