How do I return a 2D array using Reflection?

Purpose of the code

To find out which picture is on the screen by comparing it to a pre-existing set of pixels, which are in the form of methods that return 2D arrays in the class DataStoragePics


How I tried to solve it

  • Using reflection, I saved all the methods from the class DataStoragePics

    in methodStorage[]

  • Then I call the method from methodStorage[]

    , which will then be stored in tempMatrix[][]

  • Using a loop and another method (not shown here) I will later use to find out what type of image the captured pixel set has.

I need help with

When I try to solve the problem using the steps above, I get an error on the third line from the bottom in the main class, repeated twice:

Multiple markers on this line - type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to int.

I think the problem methodStorage[x].invoke(DataStoragePicsObj)

is the only array, but it returns a 2D array and the program does not recognize that it needs tempMatrix

either a simple array or a methodStorage[]

2D array for that. I need help solving this error.

This is a Main


import java.lang.reflect.Method;

  int [][] tempMatrix = new int[16][450];

//Creates a DataStoragePics Object.
  DataStoragePics DataStoragePicsObj = new DataStoragePics();
//Stores all DataStoragePics methods in methods[].
  Method[] methodStorage = DataStoragePicsObj.getClass().getMethods();

//Loops through methodStorage[].
  for(int x = 0; x < method.length; x++)
      //Stores a 2D array from DataStoragePics class in tempMatrix.
      //All methods in DataStoragePics return a 2D array with [16][10] dimensions.

      /*This is the error line*/ 
      tempMatrix[16][10] = methodStorage[x].invoke(DataStoragePicsObj);
      /*above is the error line*/


This is part of the class DataStoragePics


public class DataStoragePics

  public int[][] picXYZ()
      int[][] rgbValues = 

      return rgbValues;


I'm getting a little bit of a start when it comes to java / encoding, so please don't use complicated terms.

Syllabus's answer helped, but I still get this error: "Exception in thread" main "java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Class cannot be thrown in [[I" Thing is thrown and stores and returns stuff to screen. Sometimes it sometimes shows an error at the end, sometimes in the middle. I do not know why.


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2 answers

You are iterating over the all methods in your class. And casting the return value of each of these methods to int[][]


Method[] methodStorage = DataStoragePicsObj.getClass().getMethods();

//Loops through methodStorage[].
  for(int x = 0; x < method.length; x++)


This will, of course, fail because your DataStoragePicsObj

class is implicitly extending java.lang.Object

that has methods like hashCode

, toString

and getClass

that don't return int[][]


If you call a method through reflection, you must be prepared to pass the correct arguments and return its value; if you can't, you shouldn't call the method through reflection.

What you can do - if my understanding of what you want to do is correct - is to check the return type as well as the arguments to make sure you are ready to handle the reflexive call:

    Method m = methodStorage[x];
    if (m.getReturnType() != int[][].class || m.getParameterTypes().length != 0) {
        // Skip this method because it requires arguments or doesn't return int[][]




Actually, without the "cast", the compiler just thinks what it invoke

returns Object



represents element (16, 10) in your array tempMatrix

, so its type is int


So assigning an int object raises a compiler error: types before a after "=" must be "the same".

You must first discard the object returned by the call to int[][]

. Then you have to assign an int object [] [] (full tempMatrix?)

tempMatrix = (int[][]) methodStorage[x].invoke(DataStoragePicsObj);




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