How can I use sp_msforeachtable and sp_msforeachdb in the same request?

Is there a way to reference a table inside an sp_MSforeachtable loop running inside an sp_msforeachdb loop?

For example, in the following query '?' always refers to the database:


SET @cmd = 'USE ?; EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="select db_name = DB_NAME(), db_foreach = ''?'', tb_foreach = ''?'' "'

EXEC sp_msforeachdb @command1 =@cmd


As a result:

 db_name        db_forearch    tb_foreach
 ServerMonitor  master         master


I want something like:

 db_name        db_forearch    tb_foreach
 ServerMonitor  master         <TABLE_NAME>


What should I change?

Solved. I used my cursor as Sean suggested. But @replacechar's solution as suggested by Ben Toole is exactly what I was looking for.


SET @cmd = 'USE ^; EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="select db_name = DB_NAME(), db_foreach = ''^'', tb_foreach = ''?'' "'

EXEC sp_msforeachdb @command1 =@cmd, @replacechar = '^'



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2 answers

Take a look at the parameters for sp_msforeachtable. One is @replacechar, which is a question mark (i.e.?) By default. Feel free to pass another equally unlikely character in the request (maybe a ^).

Of course I would be overlooked if I didn't mention this depending on what you are trying to do (and I would say that whatever you are trying to do across all tables is doable this way) easier to read (and write) solutions in powershell:

import-module sqlps -disablenamechecking;
$s = new-object '.';
foreach ($db in $s.databases) {
   foreach ($table in $db.Tables) {
      $table | select parent, name; --merely list the table and database




For what you do, you can do something like this. Although this is still used for every db procedure that can be problematic. You need to add a where clause to the final select statement to filter out some databases (model, tempdb, master, etc.).

declare @TableNames table
    DatabaseName sysname
    , TableName sysname
    insert @TableNames
    EXEC sp_msforeachdb @command1 = 'use ?;select ''?'', name from sys.tables'

select *, 'exec ' + Databasename + '..sp_spaceused [''' + TableName + ']'';' 
from @TableNames




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