Form object event cannot see inherited method

Summary of the problem:OnClick

Object event TForm

says it cannot find the method I specified; this method is defined in the superclass Form, which I expected it to inherit.

Here I define the base type (ie superclass) for the RAM Editor window, including the button and what the event should do OnClick


// File: RAM_Editor_Common.pas
  TfrmBaseRamEditor = class(TForm)
    btnMapfileLaden: TToolButton;
    procedure MapfileLaden1Click(Sender: TObject);
    // ....

procedure TfrmBaseRamEditor.Mapfileladen1Click(Sender: TObject);
  if not OpenDialog2.Execute then Exit;
  StatusBar1.Panels[2].Text := OpenDialog2.FileName;


This is where I define a subclass:

// File: RAM_Editor_SXcp.pas
TfrmRAM_Editor_SXcp = class(RAM_Editor_Common.TfrmBaseRamEditor)


Here, a button is used in the Form subclass and an event is set OnClick

for the method that was defined in the superclass:

// File: RAM_Editor_SXcp.dfm
object frmRAM_Editor_SXcp: TfrmRAM_Editor_SXcp
// ....
// ....
    object btnMapfileLaden: TToolButton
      Left = 75
      Top = 0
      Hint = 'Mapfile laden'
      Caption = 'btnMapfileLaden'
      OnClick = MapfileLaden1Click
      ImageIndex = 5
      ParentShowHint = False
      ShowHint = False


But when I try to compile, I get the error:

"The method MapfileLaden1Click

referenced btnMapfileLaden.OnClick

does not exist. Are you sure you want to remove this link?"

Why can't he see the legacy method?


source to share

1 answer

Your .dfm file is wrong, not:

object frmRAM_Editor_SXcp: TfrmRAM_Editor_SXcp


you need

inherited frmRAM_Editor_SXcp: TfrmRAM_Editor_SXcp


Similarly, instead of:

object btnMapfileLaden: TToolButton


you need

inherited btnMapfileLaden: TToolButton


I am assuming you are trying to inject a common base class into an existing hierarchy. You made the required changes to the .pas file, but could not make the appropriate changes to the .dfm file. The keyword inherited

in the .dfm file is required by inheriting the visual form.



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