JSONLoader vs ObjectLoader, what's the difference? (Three.js)

I am currently using JSONLoader for all of my downloads, but I am wondering what ObjectLoader is and what is the difference between it and JSONloader. Both presumably load .js files from what I'm reading (and due to the fact that I was using JSONloader), but apparently objectloader is more flexible? Are there any benefits to ObjectLoader and JSONLoader? I cannot find much information.


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1 answer

I don't know exactly the difference. You can check it yourself if you compare .js-Files: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree/master/src/loaders

I think ObjectLoader is newer, faster, but idk if true. JSONLoader was updated a year and a half ago, ObjectLoader 2 months ago.


If you can't compare them tell me then I'll start checking the .js-Files stand and can tell exactly what they do and what the difference is.



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