Python Pandas: how to fill date ranges in multi-index

Let's say I was trying to organize sales data for a membership business.

I only have start and end dates. Ideally, sales between the start and end date appear as 1 rather than disappear.

I cannot get the date column to be populated with intermediate dates. That is: I want a continuous set of months instead of spaces. Also, I need to fill in missing data in columns using ffill.

I tried different ways like stack / unstack and reindex but different errors occur. I assume there is a clean way to do this. What's the best practice for doing this?

Suppose a structure with multiple indexes:

                 variable     sales
vendor date                 
a      2014-01-01  start date 1
       2014-03-01    end date 1
b      2014-03-01  start date 1
       2014-07-01    end date 1


And the desired result

                   variable   sales
vendor date                 
a      2014-01-01  start date 1
       2014-02-01  NaN        1
       2014-03-01    end date 1
b      2014-03-01  start date 1
       2014-04-01  NaN        1
       2014-05-01  NaN        1
       2014-06-01  NaN        1 
       2014-07-01    end date 1



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2 answers

You can do:

>>> f = lambda df: df.resample(rule='M', how='first')
>>> df.reset_index(level=0).groupby('vendor').apply(f).drop('vendor', axis=1)
                     variable  sales
vendor date                         
a      2014-01-31  start date      1
       2014-02-28         NaN    NaN
       2014-03-31    end date      1
b      2014-03-31  start date      1
       2014-04-30         NaN    NaN
       2014-05-31         NaN    NaN
       2014-06-30         NaN    NaN
       2014-07-31    end date      1


and then just .fillna

in a column sales

if needed.



I have a solution, but it's not very simple:

So here's yours DataFrame


>>> df
                   sales date variable
vendor date                           
a      2014-01-01      1    start date
       2014-01-03      1      end date
b      2014-01-03      1    start date
       2014-01-07      1      end date


first, I want to create data for a new one MultiIndex


>>> df2 = df.set_index('date variable', append=True).reset_index(level='date')['date']
>>> df2
vendor  date variable
a         start date    2014-01-01
          end date      2014-01-03
b         start date    2014-01-03
          end date      2014-01-07
>>> df2 = df2.unstack()
>>> df2
date variable   end date   start date
a             2014-01-03   2014-01-01
b             2014-01-07   2014-01-03


now create tuples for the new one MultiIndex


>>> tuples = [(x[0], d) for x in df3.iterrows() for d in pd.date_range(x[1]['start date'], x[1]['end date'])]
>>> tuples
[('a', '2014-01-01'), ..., ('b', '2014-01-07)]


and create MultiIndex

and reindex()


>>> mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples,names=df.index.names)
>>> df.reindex(mi)
                   sales date variable
vendor date                           
a      2014-01-01      1    start date
       2014-01-02    NaN           NaN
       2014-01-03      1      end date
b      2014-01-03      1    start date
       2014-01-04    NaN           NaN
       2014-01-05    NaN           NaN
       2014-01-06    NaN           NaN
       2014-01-07      1      end date




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