"App is not configured correctly" in the published game

I installed Google Play Games Services through the Google Play Developer Console following the instructions here .

I have looked over the troulbeshooting manual here .

If I run the app through eclipse it can connect to Play Games. However, the update has now been released and if I download it from the Play Store it won't be able to connect.

I have verified that my SHA1 from android export matches what is in the developer console. I even tried to bind a new app to SHA1 and it says "This client ID is globally unique and already in use."

Now I panic because my game is live and can't connect. Help!


I added my Client ID through the Google Play Developer Console, not the Google Developer Console. I removed the Client ID that was in google developer console.

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

enter image description here

from Google Play Developer Console


I cannot add a new client to the GDC, I get a "duplicate fingerprint" error: enter image description here


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3 answers

Make sure you check the following before modifying / adding new API clients:

  • Has your game project been published?
  • Or, are the accounts you use for testing included in the list of testers?
  • Are you signing your application correctly? If you are using your debug store in a released game, the app will not be able to authenticate.

Anyway, deleting clients can fix working apps if you've already posted, and I don't want to give you tips that break things. However, if you are sure you need to create / recreate your client, go ahead.

The reason you are facing "This client ID is globally unique and already in use." the problem is that there is a client with the same package name and SHA-1 hash in any google developer console project (not necessarily a Google Play Games project, not necessarily a current project, not necessarily a project for your account if you are working on commands). This is because the combination of the package name and SHA-1 hash must be unique for authentication.

Anyway, it's possible that the project still has a client (for Android) that needs to be removed. This means that you must either remove the bad client from the developer console, re-sign the application with the new keystore, or use a different package name.

Option 1 - Deleting Clients

While this is the most damaging option, it can be a good approach if you have already removed clients from the Play Games Developer console and do not want to change your configuration.

Access the project from https://console.developers.google.com because this will give you a superset of clients built from the gaming console and will have a project. Select the API section and Auth → Credentials. From here, uninstall any Android clients you intend to replace.

Go back to https://play.google.com/apps/publish and select your project for games. Now you can add another client.

Option 2 - create a new key store

This is best described in the Android documentation . After changing the keystore, you can add another tenant using the new keystore signature.

Option 3 - Change the package name

You must update com.yourname.app with something other than com.yourname.app. This means renaming the folders in your Android project, changing the package namespaces as well, and updating your AndroidManifest.xml project.

After changing any of them, you can create a working Google API project and prepare your application.



Have you tried to delete the console project associated with the installed game game application?



Do you only have one account?

"This client ID is globally unique and already in use."

Perhaps someone is using your sha1 ... or you are with a different account



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